Top tips for friendly & personalised service


Top tips for friendly & personalised service

Two guests sat at the bar with drinks

Delivering a friendly and personalised experience is key to creating the sort of culture that secures loyalty, recommendations and great feedback from your guests. David Pepper, our Associate Director of Hospitality Culture, offers his expertise on how to how best to achieve this:

Reading the guest

From the moment a guest steps into your business, you need to assess what type of experience they are looking for. Is this a spontaneous visit or have they pre-booked? Are they with children or here as a couple? Front-of-house staff should immediately search for signals, to help define expectations. Bear in mind guests reveal their mood and their needs through verbal cues such as tone and volume of voice, how much they say and whether they ask questions, as well as through non-verbal cues like facial expressions, body language and posture. You should adjust how you respond to a guest based on these clues.

What does a friendly and personalised experience look like?

There is no 'one-size-fits-all' approach - it's important to tailor behaviours, tone and pace to each guest on an individual basis. For example, if it's a couple out for a romantic meal, reduce the amount of general small talk and create an atmosphere conducive to a more intimate experience. In comparison, if it's a family with young children, they are going to require a higher degree of service with staff ready to provide activity packs, reduce wait time on meals and keep an eye out for dropped food or any spillages.

What actions and behaviours show you care about your guest?

Staff can demonstrate they are there to help and care for guests by empowering them to ask for assistance and providing reassurance they are available for any request. However, it is also key to remain attentive throughout the duration of the guest experience, staying visible and observant.

Finally, despite how staff might feel on shift, they must always remember that guests will be watching them too. Positive behaviours, both verbal and physical, will impact on a guest's experience, so training your team to overcome obstacles with positivity and a smile will greatly effect the overall culture of your business.

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