The Shrinking Menu


The Shrinking Menu

The Shrinking Menu

Extensive menus may become a thing of the past, as more operators choose to focus on a limited selection of dishes. The shrinking menu moves away from lengthy attempts to cater for all tastes and towards a more refined and customisable selection. Menus have shrunk by 2.6% in a year-on-year comparison; as both operators and guests lean towards quality and not quantity.

So, what are the reasons behind the new scaled-down menu? Restaurant web design company, Restaurant Engine, believe the shift is due to the Millennial diner and the effect this group are having on the restaurant dining scene. This notable group are busy and don't want to be overwhelmed with time-consuming options when eating out. Additionally, this is a group that places a high value on local produce, quality ingredients and low cost meals that are easy to customise. In short, Millennials want top quality food - something that the longer menu can struggle to provide consistently.

In response, restaurant owners are choosing to focus on specialised cuisine that will help them to stand out in customers' minds, rather than reams of options that most will forget as soon as they are out of the door. Additionally, a smaller menu stands out as it is more likely to offer easy-to-order, easy-to-customise options, allowing diners to feel that they are receiving individualised treatment.

Shrinking menus also make sense in terms of cost. Dishes that are costly to make are often the first to be culled, meaning lower costs for restaurant owners and lower prices for guests. This not only keeps the guests happy but makes life simpler for the restaurant staff, who are consequently able to provide a faster service and focus on producing a few excellent dishes.

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