New Year, Same Old Story?


New Year, Same Old Story?

New Year, Same Old Story?

2013 is here, and by now we’ve all got a better idea of whether we’ll be sticking to those New Year’s resolutions made with the best intentions, no doubt in a somewhat hungover state, on New Year’s Day. For some, the New Year is an opportunity right the wrongdoings of an indulgent December, with healthy food, less booze and a brand new exercise regime. But just because ‘healthy living’ may be on the agenda, it doesn’t mean that pubs and restaurants should be settling for a quiet January – there are plenty of ways to entice even the most resolute of the resolution makers. A few fresh ideas and special offers should help to entice a few more customers out of the cold. Adding some low-fat, healthy options to menus will reassure those who have decided on a health-kick, and virgin cocktails make a great substitute for those who may have over-indulged on the strong stuff over Christmas and New Year. These days, people also tend to view January as a somewhat depressing month – the contrast of enjoying some well-earned time off and seeing friends and family compared to the reality of that first day back in the office. Some entertainment could help to alleviate the January blues for many, so pubs and eateries shouldn’t rule out some uplifting live music, a comedy night or a simple pub quiz as an enticement. Additionally, January has an often-overlooked market for group bookings. For some it may be a chance to get together with friends in a more relaxed atmosphere than that of a Christmas party. For those who are really busy in December, they may even prefer a January get-together. So for Auld Lang Syne’s sake, make a resolution this New Year to be creative from the start and don’t wait for the usual calendar milestones to drum up business.

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