New survey proves UK diners are more adventurous than ever

New survey proves UK diners are more adventurous than ever

New survey proves UK diners are more adventurous than ever

Diners are making more adventurous choices when it comes to their food and drink, according to a recent report by

The report summarises figures revealed by the latest survey for the Greene King Leisure Spend Tracker, demonstrating that 29% of diners are choosing to visit a wider variety of venues than the previous year. This trend is likely to be largely driven by the millennial target market as the report shows that in the 18-24 age bracket, 51% state they are visiting a wider range of establishments and in the 25-34 age bracket, 37% agree with this statement. The figures drop in relation to age with only 27% of respondents aged 35-44; 25% aged 45-55; and 23% aged 55+ concurring they visit more places than before, too.

The article also draws the connection between this research and recent data from M&C Allegra Foodservice which shows that the millennial age group of 18-24 are currently the most active group of diners, 'with average frequencies of 28 meal occasions out per month'. The report states that this figure is three times that of the 50+ age bracket, but Steve Gotham, M&C Allegra director of insight, commented that although the growth in frequency over the past year has been most notable (marginally) amongst the millennial age group, it has also occurred in all under 50 age brackets.

Gotham further stated: "Younger consumers do not spend so much per visit of course compared with older adults - but are prepared to be more adventurous with what they eat." Consequently, it is imperative for hospitality operators to be concise and focused on their target market or risk being out of pocket in this increasingly competitive industry.

The survey also discovered that 33% of adults dine out less in the evenings than two years previously - particularly those with children - whilst 32% of 18-24 year olds are choosing to dine out in the evenings more.

Finally, revealed that pubs are still proving the most popular establishments for evening dining, with 40% of respondents choosing pubs over restaurants for this sort of experience.

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