It's a Whopper: UK burger market now worth £3.3bn


It's a Whopper: UK burger market now worth £3.3bn

It's a Whopper: UK burger market now worth £3.3bn

With a growing number of burger restaurants appearing on our high streets, it's no secret that the UK has something of a love affair with the American-style patty and bun. However, it’s still impressive to learn that the UK burger market has grown by almost a quarter in the past five years.

Just in time for National Burger Day, the Mintel research revealed that the sector was worth £3.3 billion as of 2015, up 22% from £2.7 billion in 2017. And as Kiti Soininen – Mintel's head of UK food and drink research – explains, enthusiasm for burgers among British guests show no signs of disappearing, adding that "the appeal for burgers is strong across the UK."

What's most interesting about the findings is that despite increased guest concern around healthy eating , enjoying a burger is no longer considered a rare treat. Some 60% of respondents have been to a burger outlet in the past three months, with Londoners being the most frequent visitors of so-called 'gourmet burger bars' – one in five (20%) have been to such an establishment in the past three months, some 7% more than the national average.

The burger market isn’t completely divorced from the healthy eating market , however. Nearly a third (31%) of fast food consumers would consider trying a high-fibre bun, while 35% would like to see burgers made with meat other than beef; 23% would like to see more non-meat options; and 14% would like more gluten-free choices. Ingredients also play a factor, with 31% expecting artisanal ingredients at a gourmet burger venue, and 25% expecting information about where the ingredients were sourced from.

So what do guests expect from a gourmet burger? Overwhelmingly (70%), a freshly made burger is important. However, the opportunity for personalisation is also a high priority; 54% would like their burgers to be customisable, and 48% want a choice about how the burger is cooked.

And customisation isn't just important when it comes to burgers - two in five (41%) diners would like to see more customising options in other fast food outlets. As always, guests want their experience to be uniquely tailored to them; with services and products adapted to their preferences and needs.

"Fast food venues are already looking to incorporate customisation options into their menus and competitors should look to follow suit," Soininen concluded.

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