Is the eurozone crisis preventing you from recruting?

Is the eurozone crisis preventing you from recruting?

The effects of the current economic climate can be felt all over and events on the continent are leading to a lot of uncertainty.

Despite the number of applications for jobs in the hospitality industry being the highest since the Hospitality Employment Index began in 2010, many employers are not taking on staff. Instead they are adopting a wait and see approach in case things get better then they can try and expand and grow. But is the hospitality industry missing a trick here, since this year has so many high profile things going on throughout the country?

If it does not shine in 2012 then there is a chance that the likes of the Jubilee and the Olympics could be a flop. Leaving visitors unimpressed will not be good for business. Being under resourced has the huge potential to backfire on the sector and would be a ridiculous position given the number of people who are out of work.

Simon Numphud, hotel services manager, AA Hotel Services, said: "The Olympics has created a double edged sword as businesses expect to do well throughout the Games, however there is an uncertainty of what the impact to the business will be pre and post. Expectations are that it will result in a stable year as opposed to substantial growth."

It is hotels which are holding the top spot on the index in terms of recruitment with advertisements for key roles up by five per cent in a quarter. This overall figure for hotel jobs should not be misread however, as there is increased demand for some of the less glamorous roles such as porters and catering staff.

On the other hand vacancies for the likes of receptionists and concierges have fallen, showing that even the hotel sector is not championing the recruitment cause.
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