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"I Fell Asleep At The Table" - What The Hospitality Industry Can Expect This Valentine's Day


"I Fell Asleep At The Table" - What The Hospitality Industry Can Expect This Valentine's Day

Valentines meal

Like it or loathe it, in a month's time couples will be descending on hotels, pubs and restaurants for the annual celebration of lurve - St Valentine's Day.

This year the day itself falls on a Friday, which is good news for those in the industry as love-struck couples could be enticed to stay out later and spend more without having to face the hangover at work the next day. For hotels, B&Bs and anyone else offering accommodation, it's also a prime opportunity to entice lovers for a romantic weekend break.

Now's the time to be making those all-important preparations for the big day. Most people will book their meal around 2 weeks in advance, so make sure your staff are well informed of your Valentine's Day offering to allow them to answer questions and take bookings.

And whilst it's a great opportunity to bring in new customers and get the till ringing, don't let standards slip on what is one of the most important showcase dates of the year. Over-crowding, poor service and hiked-up costs are just a few of the bug-bears that can put people off. Adding a few simple touches like roses for the ladies, special desserts or a free glass of bubbly can help to make the evening memorable for all the right reasons, and bring those punters back time and time again.

Just for fun, we asked our mystery diners to share some of their most memorable Valentine's Day experiences. Here are just a few of them...

  • One year my boyfriend (now ex) took me to a Michelin starred restaurant that I'd been longing to go to, just to announce that he'd slept with my best friend. The food was great. Shame about the company.
  • I am sorry to say that the most memorable thing that happened was when the restaurant burnt down just as we were leaving.
  • A lobster claw flying across the room onto another table because a slightly drunken me was attempting to open it.
  • Someone tried to hit on my boyfriend when I went to the loo.
  • My ex-boyfriend proposed. I said no but it was romantic.
  • I met Ronan Keating at the airport on Valentine's day and got his autograph!
  • I fell asleep at the table.. as I had just arrived back from New Zealand that day and was a little jet-lagged to say the least!
  • The most memorable was not a good memory! We and other diners had had terrible service during our meal although when it finally arrived the food was good. One couple got so fed up waiting to pay their bill that they simply walked out without paying!
  • We dined at Petit Blanc, there were fairy lights, drinks on arrival, a romantic set menu (with choices). The food and service were amazing, we had table presents, I had lipstick. The restaurant was romantic and we had a fabulous time....until we got home and found our 14 year old son half naked , paralytic drunk and having a party! Unforgettable...
  • Getting a very unexpected text message from someone else.

And one from the eternal optimist

  • Nothing particularly memorable yet, but there's always next year!

And the old romantic

  • It is an overrated marketing scam.
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