Employee happiness versus engagement


Employee happiness versus engagement

Employee happiness versus engagement

There's a lot of talk in the news about hospitality recruitment issues at the moment. Businesses have been hit hard with a double whammy: having to let people go due to the pandemic and, of course, Brexit, which has slowed down the influx of European workers.

Supply for hospitality staff is outweighing demand by far, and it's possible that this might be the new norm for a while, which means that the way hospitality approaches staffing has to be reconsidered, and a major cultural shift is required - from recruitment to retention.

There's a lot that operators can do to increase retention, but in this blog, we'd like to point out a little difference in what to strive for, and would like to make a case for an engaged employee over a happy one.


All employers want their team members to be happy, contributing to staff morale and boosting productivity in the workplace. But there are a multitude of external reasons that affect employee happiness that have nothing to do with their role or your business.

An employee might be content in their role and understand what is expected of them, but that doesn’t mean they’re invested in the bigger picture in the same way that you are. On the other hand, an employee could be highly engaged in your vison, but external influences could mean they are unhappy, negatively impacting their work.


To support the growth of your business and your guest experience, engagement should be your focus over happiness. When an employee is engaged, this positively filters through all aspects of your business. From interaction with guests, going the extra mile, getting along with other team members, to ultimately, working hard. Engaged employees can be relied upon and set an example for all of your team, not to mention reducing turnover costs and improving your bottom line.

It is important to recognise these employees and nurture their hard work and talent. Listening and acting upon your employees’ feedback is vital to show that you care and respect them. Employee feedback allows you to pinpoint areas of passion and talent as well as areas for improvement. By providing regular performance reviews and investing in training and career development opportunities, you create loyalty and drive within your team. Show them that you are loyal to them and they will return it.

Why engagement matters

In our recent consumer survey, 70% of respondents cited feeling valued as what most motivates them at work with poor communication making 59% unmotivated. 46% also said that lack of progression makes them disengaged. From a guest perspective, our statistics show that being served by an engaged team member results in 55% enjoying their experience more, with 82% spending up to 20% more during their visit.

Let's talk about ways we can help your business increase employee engagement.

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