Don't Bank on an Indian Summer


Don't Bank on an Indian Summer

Grass and sunshine

Just as the kids have broken up from school, and those in the hospitality industry are working flat out to accommodate the annual influx of tourists, the industry is simultaneously starting to eye up the next season.

It seems a bit crazy that the summer holidays have just arrived, and during their busiest time of the year whilst customers are enjoying barbecues and salads, hotels, pubs and restaurants are already thinking of seasonal soups and pies.

But we all know that peoples dining habits change with the seasons, and so menus, wine lists and tariffs need to be carefully thought out now to ensure businesses aren't in summer mode if autumn arrives early.

Of course, being British it's hard to rely on the seasons. Will autumn come early or will we be basking in the Indian Summer (promised every year in living memory but rarely delivered)?

We would recommend a slow and steady transition for your menu, replacing a couple of your more summery dishes with something more suitable for autumn - perhaps some soups or maybe a seasonal chicken and mushroom pie? Blackberry and apple crumble would be a great addition to any dessert menu. Keep a couple of the summer favourites there throughout September to see you through - just in case the optimists are right and the sun does make a late appearance.

In terms of drinks, keep the cider on tap in the hope of some September sun but maybe think of replacing those fruitcups with some autumnal Sloe Gin? Scrumptious with tonic and lots of ice!

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