Does not offering coffee harm a pub business?


Does not offering coffee harm a pub business?


Recent surveys have found that
coffee is an integral part of the modern pub's offering and something which the customer has come to expect.

According to the findings of the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers 3.6 million cups of coffee are sold in
pubs every week. This means that more people are drinking coffee in their local pub than in coffee shops, meaning that those which do not offer it are missing out on all-important trade.

Another survey which was carried out by
Nespresso found that a quarter of those going out for dinner think that coffee is vital as part of their meal.

Further to this, they said that places that served them a bad cup of coffee would not see their repeat business. This sends out a clear message - coffee is important, both in its availability and its quality and pubs which do not adhere to this will find it is to the detriment of their business.

There has been much talk of the local pub as an integral part of the community of late and there has been a shift in the role that it performs for many people.

Part of this has come about as a by-product of the
smoking ban and another part is the attitude of landlords and managers happy to diversify their offerings with book groups and
knitting clubs in order to get more people in.

Alcohol is not necessarily the main draw for each and every customer entering a pub and therefore coffee is an obvious alternative. Going out for coffee is a growth business and one that pubs are in the perfect position to make the most of.

There are certain infrastructure issues to be addressed, such as having a coffee machine installed, which although pricey can pay back dividends. These latest surveys just go to show that pubs that are known for the quality of their coffee can be just as profitable as those that are known for keeping good beer.

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