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Consistency As Part Of Managing Growth


Consistency As Part Of Managing Growth

Plant sketch

It goes without saying that every business in the world strives to be successful. Success ultimately means that the business is making solid profits; but it also allows a company to do things like develop their brand identity, tap into new markets and offer more services, for example.

Business growth is an inevitable outcome of success. It can be an exciting time for companies when they enter a period of growth, regardless of whether that growth is rapid or steady. Nevertheless, managing growth is no mean feat and if handled incorrectly, it can have disastrous consequences for the business.

For hospitality businesses, success in managing growth will depend on how well they are able to establish a brand identity and nurture their brand through that period of growth. And this boils down to consistency.

Consistency is an essential factor in managing growth and requires managers to ensure that the same, high level of service and product delivery is maintained throughout the business. From menu items to guest experiences, all processes must be aligned to develop brand consistency.

If, for example, a restaurant is experiencing growth, this is because guests like the brand and are happy with the service. If the brand begins to change or the service standards drop during growth, those guests will lose trust for that restaurant and may go elsewhere.

The world's largest hospitality businesses are successful because they have developed brand consistency. Guests are confident that no matter what site they visit, they will always be provided with the same level of service and same quality product.

A key part of managing growth, therefore, is ensuring that guests are provided with a consistent brand experience. Loyal guests will have built expectations of a brand, and it's important these high expectations are maintained through growth.

If your business is currently in a period of growth and you want to monitor consistency, you may want to take a look at GEMdirect. Our Guest Engagement Portal enables you to engage with - and listen to - your diners, helping you to ensure they are still happy with the service you are providing.

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