Companies which implement charity strategies find that their employees benefit as well as the good causes they support.

Companies which implement charity strategies find that their employees benefit as well as the good causes they support.

There are several companies within the hospitality industry which have recently embarked on partnerships with charities. Whether this is a sustained campaign over a period of time or one off challenges the collaboration of forces can be good for all those involved.

For charities they are promoted by the allegiance, as well as receiving the important funds that come from such campaigns. It helps them to be associated with the likes of Carluccio's or other high profile establishments and takes their cause to a wider audience.

engagement with customers it is good as they are likely to comment on the efforts being made to raise money and the links with the charity. Restaurants and hotels may wish to choose a specific charity to work with for a number of reasons. It could be that the work done is somehow linked to the business, such as feeding the poor, as chefs feed their customers every day. A restaurant serving up food from a specific country may wish to donate to a charity that does work in that location. There are other personal reasons for choosing specific charities too - perhaps a member of staff has recently overcome an illness and therefore other
employees and customers wish to give back to the charities which supported them.

For businesses in the hospitality sector fundraising for charity can be a great way to implement team building for the staff. It gives them a collective cause and allows them to interact in a manner which is outside of the usual workplace parameters. One example of the hospitality industry taking a charity cause to its hearts is
Greene King with
Macmillan Cancer Support.

It is hoping to raise £1 million for the organisation in the coming three years in a long term commitment to help obtain funds. Mark Blythman, strategy and communications director at Greene King, said: "Our teams are already very involved in fundraising for charities on a local level, but this is our first UK-wide charity partnership.

"Everyone knows somebody who has been affected by cancer, whether it is a friend, somebody in their family or a colleague - it really is a great cause."

Since Greene King is such a large company then it is possible for them to offer a huge boost to the charity which helps people cope with direct and indirect problems which emerge from having cancer. A wide range of activities have been planned, ranging from raising cash at the company's Real Beer and Food Festival through to a 480 kilometre cycle ride.

Rachel Gascoigne, partnership account manager at Macmillan said:

"It's great to see Greene King employees throwing themselves into their fundraising for Macmillan. It's events like these that really add up and make a difference to people affected by cancer. I am sure this is one of many fabulous fundraising activities to come from Greene King this year."

Charity initiatives do not have to be as monumentous as the one undertaken by Greene King, but getting involved in charity work of any kind and on any scale can be good for employees. It gives them a real sense of achievement and working towards something important and putting up pictures and sharing memories can be good for staff morale. This can also provoke interest from customers who may wish to get involved in the charity work of the establishments they frequent regularly. Charities need people to get involved and the hospitality industry is well placed to encourage employees to come together for a good cause.

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