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Brew Dog has launched a controversial anti-Olympic beer full of substances banned for athletes competing in the Games.


Brew Dog has launched a controversial anti-Olympic beer full of substances banned for athletes competing in the Games.

Brewdog logo

Shameless piggy backing on the Olympic Games by a myriad of companies and organisations has been seen this summer, but are we surprised that Brew Dog has got in on the action?

Not really. Especially when you consider that they have done it in such a way that is designed to be the opposite of backing the Games and coming up with a publicity stunt which is anti-Olympics.

The rebel brewery company which has seen new bars popping up across the country has created a beer called Never Mind the Anabolics. It is an antithesis of an Olympians diet, jam-packed with substances which are apparently banned for anyone taking part in the Games. That means ginseng, guarana and kola nut, as well as various other ingredients all contributing to giving the 6.5 per cent India pale ale a bit of a kick.

A spokesperson for the company said: "Never Mind the Anabolics takes its lead from the relentless marketing campaigns of global fast-food chains and international mass production breweries that replace the sporting spirit with a fast buck, a greasy burger and an ugly plastic cup of insipid, fizzy, yellow lager."

Utilising the pink and yellow of the Olympic logo Brew Dog has not hidden the fact that it is an attempt to poke fun at the Olympics. Will this be popular with so much patriotism flying around? It is done in a light hearted manner and when the whole nation is consumed with such a high profile event an antidote is often welcomed. It is also part of a long standing tradition with Brew Dog of courting controversial marketing ploys, which include presenting a beer in road kill and a battle of strong beers played out with a
German brewer resulting in
Sink the Bismarck.

So anyone sick of the Games already might get themselves along to a Brew Dog bar in order to indulge in the substances the athletes won't be.

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