

Le Bistrot Pierre To Open in Bath

Le Bistrot Pierre To Open in Bath

The city of Bath will be welcoming yet another eatery next month when independently-owned French restaurant, Le Bistrot Pierr...

Turning Tables

Turning Tables

Providing your guests with a relaxed, enjoyable dining experience is no doubt a top priority for you. At the same time, it's ...

Reading your Guests

Reading your Guests

There are usually two types of restaurant diners: ones who want to relax and take their time, and ones who require a quick tu...

Helping Your Staff to Speed Up Service

Helping Your Staff to Speed Up Service

Speed is a crucial factor in food service; it keeps guests happy and maximises business efficiency. As a restaurant owner or ...

Food-To-Go Restaurants: Balancing Speed With Service

Food-To-Go Restaurants: Balancing Speed With Service

From burrito bars to sandwich shops, food-to-go restaurants are becoming an increasingly popular choice among diners. They di...

Alfresco dining

Casual Dining Restaurants to Drive Growth in 2015

The British foodservice market will grow by 1.1% this year and by 1.5% in 2016, a new report by market research firm NDP Grou...

Learning the menu

Learning the menu

We've all experienced it - asking a waiter or waitress a simple question about the menu, only for them to reply, "I don't kno...

The Benefits of Seasonal Menus

The Benefits of Seasonal Menus

Spring is finally in the air and with the new season comes warmer weather, longer days, and a bumper new crop of fresh fruit ...


Allegra UK Coffee Leader Summit 2015

Last month we attended the Allegra London Coffee Study Tour alongside Esther and Angelina- Ops manager for Apostrophe and Hea...

Changing menus sketch

Consistent vs. Regularly Changing Menus

Your restaurant menu is your biggest, most important marketing tool. It's what attracts guests to your business, with the pot...

Making your new menu a success

Making your new menu a success

For hospitality businesses, introducing a new food menu is a big deal. Changing or getting rid of a current menu can be risky...

The Importance of Consistency for Brand Loyalty

The Importance of Consistency for Brand Loyalty

Although we may not realise it, we all crave consistency in our lives. In fact, consistency is something we have come to expe...

The Do's And Don'ts Of A Pre-Shift Meeting

The Do's And Don'ts Of A Pre-Shift Meeting

When conducted well, pre-shift meetings have the potential to boost staff productivity, improve customer service and increase...

Industry news paper

2014: A Record-Breaking Year For UK Tourism

2014 was a record-breaking year for UK tourism, according to the 'International Passenger Survey' released by the Office for ...

How does your business deal with feedback?

How does your business deal with feedback?

Guest feedback has never been so important to businesses. It's now extremely easy for guests to make their opinions known to ...

Spotting Problems as a Multi-Venue Operator

Spotting Problems as a Multi-Venue Operator

Do you run a multi-venue hospitality business? If you do, then you probably wish you could be in multiple places at once. As ...

Plant sketch

Consistency As Part Of Managing Growth

It goes without saying that every business in the world strives to be successful. Success ultimately means that the business ...

How learning contributes to consistency

How learning contributes to consistency

Do you struggle to maintain consistency across your business? In the hospitality industry, consistency in product and service...

HGEM Celebrations

HGEM Celebrations

As part of our celebrations this year, we did something a little different for our Christmas party. With inspiration taken fr...

Christmas jumper day

Christmas Jumper Day

Last week we had our Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children, a fantastic charity that works to save lives all over ...

Interacting Online

Interacting Online

Social media is playing an increasingly important role in interacting with your customers. With a seemingly impossible amount...